“Tbh I think artists should get a day job. Then all this BS and gaming the system will go away.”
OK, I’d be lying if I didn’t say that’s probably a bit of an over-simplification but also if I said I haven’t said the same thing. Personally, having worked in marketing 9-5’s for 10 years and realizing that office environments genuinely affect my mental health in a way freelancing doesn’t–though jesus christ, the stress of just eating, oy vey–having that sense of control in that my economic livelihood is in NO WAY TIED to my music interests/passions has been liberating. But I also think that it is a privilege and not everyone is built for office environments or freelancing…but as an artist, I do think these things help to cultivate certain skills and abilities–getting better at negotiating, networking, and all that other joyless bullshit.
The whole reason I got serious about using my site for music writing is that I’ve grown up around ‘professional’ music journos as well as label people and booking agents during my 11 years in Brooklyn and I knew from the jump, I can’t be that person to tell someone “great job” after a shit performance. And look, that’s a skill in itself…I have respect for those music journos who can do that while not getting sucked up in hype.
“Most musicians are uninteresting outside their realm of expertise anyways.”
Yeahhhhhh, they largely are…and I say this as someone whose friends are largely musicians/artists or work in that world. And I guess that’s where this thread might be fostering the different trains of thought that it is because actually being interesting on social media is genuinely a totally different thing from being “good” at it. This is something I was trying to articulate in my first response, that I often see people recoiling when you actually say an ‘opinion’ that is based largely in truth.
And as I think we’ve seen here and on social media as well, it really kind of encourages this “no-fucks” affectation with people offering ‘hot putdowns’ (that usually boil down to that tautological inanity “it is what it is”). But fuck, if we’ve even been in a moment that’s been better suited to at least possibly challenge the status quo in a constructive way (yes, I’m referring to #MeToo). Part of the reason I’ve never worked in the industry in an official capacity was that it was obvious that I would be expected to keep my mouth shut over shit I don’t keep my shut over. So many artists are just sheeple at the end of the day as well and social media fosters a herd mentality that really terrifies me. Realize I’ve tangented off a bit here but the pain meds are finally fucking working, christ.__