hahaha, great question. I would like to hear some examples of what you think people are saying out there, ‘how others are doing it wrong’, etc. just for a laff.
I personally just engage with the stuff I’m interested in, and I focus on digging that out and refining that, rather than rely on algorithms, or genres, or peer pressure to like certain stuff. I will check out certain things people are listening to, and try to view it on it’s own terms if it’s not for me, but that’s always separate from what I actually engage with and would call my own. I think the trap where people (including myself in the past) start getting quite cynical is where they are stuck in a loop of being fed music they don’t enjoy but everyone else around them is enjoying it, and it becomes a bitter cycle very quickly.
When it comes to mainstream music, I do quickly spin into pure hate mode, and it’s funny because I love foreign pop, where I can’t identify the types of people making it, or the types of clichés that are being sung as easily. It seems to show the superego acting as a kind of border control, deciding what can pass before allowing any kind of pure aesthetic enjoyment to begin. Being conscious of that and over-riding it can be a difficult thing, it seems easier actually to just create something new and begin again.
@deprecate ouch yeah, I think it helps to begin to appreciate imperfection in your own work. The amount of music out there means there will always be some bright idea you didn’t think of, it will always be that way. There’s a really good tip about envy; and it’s to recognise this feeling is there to show you something you desire to be, it’s internal advice and motivation, rather than something to feel guilty about or hide, and put yourself down. Keep going.