what's some frivolous shit you wanna buy?


-A DJ mixer. So many choices and so many things to take into account (especially since you usually get what you pay for)

-2nd turntable (with the mixer) for a full DJ setup.

-some label merch maybe?


i desperately want:

** a RN 5060 center piece for my rig **
a vidiot by LZX
a mobile modular rig
a case/stand for my volca units
macbook pro
eventide vocal harmonizer


just bought an Aphex Twin beach towel :man_facepalming: frivolous af


Yeah, I guess it’s different for everyone. I’ve stopped judging myself for the music I consume, it keeps me sane. Took me a while to stop judging tho, but these days I do less buying ( or at least keep it to Bandcamp when I do) and more listening thanks to torrents and Spotify. And when I do go to major cities I buy tickets and merch, which dosent feel frivolous to me because it puts more in the artists pocket.


more tattoos to disappoint my relatives with


tattoos, dvds of shitty tv programmes, more books i won’t read, expensive raincoats, stationery, more doc martens…