General Music and Production Page


As with Dubstepforum previously it might help having one board just for music chat and another for production/sharing of tunes chat?

Makes more sense to seperate so people looking for something specifically dont have to dig through a bunch of nonsense.


yeah definitely think there should be a designated production techniques / feedback category.


As someone who occasionally tries to attempt music production every so often and fails quite a bit, a dedicated production tips/help/feedback section would be super good.

Production & Promo

Throwing my vote in for this too.


The first thing I looked for on this forum was whether there were production threads. A dedicated section of any sort would be nice


I came here just for this as well, another vote for a production forum.


as a frustrated producer that kinda feels lost at getting the sounds that i like i absolutely agree ha


I think there should be a separate forum for this, not just a thread as there is now. One long thread for all production-related stuff can be a bit heavy on computer resources (all those embeds!), and it’d also be cool to have non-feedback related production talk away from GS and KVR, since this forum seems to contain like-minded folk.


I agree that it deserves its own forum


There will be one soon im sure. In the fact interview they mentioned the suggestions and listening to the community. I would have thought that they are plannin more than one change and therfore want to wait and action them in a bunch


This is p much a given with a forum like this. I’d love to help others with production/compostion/etc, and learn new things about it as well. It could also be a great resource for things like product news.


Just wanted to chime in that I make music too and would love to see a production subforum.


When’s it happening? Where are the mods? Make this happen


Just to offer a different opinion here: there are dozens of production forums already out there, whereas this place (as far as I understand) was conceived of primarily as a place for people to engage & discuss as listeners, for which there are currently way fewer options.


and just to offer a different opinion again: it doesn’t mean we can’t have a dedicated production board then, so the general music board doesn’t become overloaded with production chatter. and the “listeners” dont get spammed

but also, you can approach production as a listener too


I think part of the reason a dedicated production/feedback forum would be useful is that this site attracts an audience with a particular taste that is generally excluded from–or at least underrepresented in–other forums. From my experience, the most active alternatives seem to be on Reddit, where producers are more focused on mainstream styles/tropes and have a hard time producing meaningful suggestions for those of us interested in making music with a bit less commercial appeal.


As a producer myself I would love to see a dedicated production forum as well


Another +1 for this!


Another +1 here too!


Big +1 for this - so much what I am missing from Erol Alkan forum RIP.