What happened to ...?


Some of my favorite artists over the years suddenly just seem to stop releasing music, for whatever reason, and I sometimes wonder why. I guess it’s not economically viable for everyone, and it seems as though you need an entourage powerhouse as well as a certain sense of club/big scene-ishness over your music to be able to make it as a solo electronic musician these days (I’m exaggerating a little, but you know).

Anyways - does anyone know what have happened with these guys? They’ve delivered some of the best music I’ve heard in recent years, but then just silence. :frowning:

This record is simply stunning, and I can’t get enough of it, 8 years after it was released. What happened to Oriol?! I want more, man.

Also, Sand Circles - such an excellent release back in 2012 - then nothing (except some remixes by other people).

Anyone know? I’m just hoping they’re releasing under different names or something now. :stuck_out_tongue:


For me, it’s Fantastic Mr. Fox. Had a string of super-solid EPs at the turn of the decade, released a couple singles (sampling Colonel Abrams - Trapped no less) and haven’t heard anything since. He had this super smooth percussive feel to all the stuff he did and still listen to San’en often.


@Daisuk Sand Circles! Motor City was probably my favorite record that year and I actually still listen to it quite often (rare these days, to be honest…I admit that I’m mildly afflicted with in-one-ear-out-the-other syndrome).


I think my ultimate “disappearance act” would be o9. spectacular album from the early aughts and then just…poof.


Totally forgot about this album! It’s scary how easy it is these days to just completely forget about an amazing album until it’s randomly brought to your attention again.


anyone have any clue what happened to Bee Mask?


I just want to know what SD Laika is up to these days. His entire catalog is ahead of our time.


Yeah, me too. Got praised by Aphex Twin, and then just disappeared.


Elgato - was it an alias?