i hate to be the first midlly negative person in the thread honestly but i think, having tried 3 out of 6 major platforms (psvr, vive, cardboard - other three are oculus, gear vr and windows mr), i’m really not sold on it at all. im not sure if its specifically my eyes not really working well with it or if its specific to how a game looks but so far all my experiences have either been somewhat disappointing/not entirely absorbing (i lack the ability of suspension of disbelief so i rarely get truly immersed). the tech is here properly but i think its still heavily within the early stages and has a long way to go before itll feel less like a fad that got out of hand.
for my verdicts on the 3 ive tried;
cardboard: frankly, pathetic, but its not proper vr so yeah. lots of motion sickness was caused by this thing; screen tearing didnt help it either. i could also see the lines of the lens super clearly. imo a good vr set would mean i dont even realize the lenses are there, thus allowing for better immersion.
vive; my initial test was at egx last year, playing a warioware-esque party game. it was alright? decent lenses, and with the deluxe headstrap the thing is supported on my head nicely. makes you sweat like a motherfucker though. second experience was with my girlfriends set which was one of the ifrst ones that got sent out on release iirc. noooot good by any means but she doesnt have the money to get the deluxe headstrap or upgrade to the pro (honestly sideeyeing valve for not providing trade in discounts to the pro or something for early adopters). it seems alright but its not great, basically.
psvr: it’ll help by saying off the bat that all my experiences with it have been with a ps4 pro. the second important bit is to mention that your experiences in psvr heavily depend on two factors: (1) how tall you are and (2) the kind of game you play. job simulator on psvr is an awful port and is unplayable if youre as tall as i am (6’4") due to how psvr tracking works. however for sit down games, it works a treat. you NEED to make sure you have plenty space for it if you want to get it working really nicely though. immersion is dependent on the game for me.
most games dont do it but i have two notable experiences which REALLY did it for me; eagle flight and the last guardian vr demo. eagle flight is masterfully created; intentionally designed to be easy to control and not give you motion sickness - the real treat of it is the mode where you just fly around the city, the rest of the game is not as good. absolutely stunning game and incredibly fun to swoop around everywhere.
last guardian vr demo is literally a demonstration of vr using the last guardian as an example; far as i know its not a demo for a full vr version of the game, much as id love that. but its a short sample of the game with the psvr running at full resolution and My Fucking God it is absolutely stunning. Trico is bloody massive and adorable, and immersion fully set in for me when it came to looking down a cliff edge which immediately pinged me into anxiety mode. For a free demo, it’s seriously impressive and you need to check it out if you have a PSVR.
Other notable decent games that worked well for me in psvr that didnt falter in immersion sorta; thumper (the game becomes somewhat easier to a degree in vr since you can focus entirely on the game), until dawn rush of blood (its a shooting gallery but in a wonderfully charming yet gruesome framing device of being stuck on a cursed rollercoaster). accounting+ is also worth looking into if you havent done so yet; but dont look up any gameplay since that’d kinda ruin the game (tis a short experience).
TL;DR edition: It’s amazing that we have the tech to do VR properly considering this shit was a pipedream back in the 80s and 90s, but its still not fully there yet imho. a lot of games just fail to fully initiate the immersion thats required to properly enjoy the games, the tech is still largely expensive and inaccessible to people and you still need a ridiculous amount of room space for games to work properly. but its getting there for sure. and with most technology evolutions, for me, its both exciting and terrifying as all hell.
Psvr = best budget option
cardboard = dont even bother
vive = its alright innit?