Resonate co-op streaming service


I’m not entirely sure how much discourse this will generate but after seeing some discussions regarding Spotify and a few quotes/tweets from Mat Dryhurst, it seemed like an idea to mention Resonate, an emerging streaming/stream-to-own own co-op (Mat acts as an advisor).

As an artist who has actually done pretty well on Spotify, it’s obviously rife with issues that affect artists and (in my opinion) serve to negatively impact music culture, and I often find myself feeling torn about having my music on the platform.

I’ve been a member of Resonate for a while now, and though it’s still in beta, there’s some really interesting ideas that could serve both artists and fans better in the future. This isn’t meant to be plug in any way, simply wanting to start a dialogue about what wishes we may have for music as we move forward.

Alternatives to big streaming services

Really interesting concept.
I’ve been listening to this on it. Slight diversion to the topic, but am I being stupid or is it impossible to skip through the tracks?


As far as I know, the player/app is still in dev, so it’s not super functional, but I’m not certain.


I talked about this on twitter, but I don’t think resonate is functional enough for people to start using it yet, we try to keep our music off spotify ( few releases got put on there by accident) and in my opinion, the way to go is bandcamp, until resonate becomes more functional!


i always try and upload my stuff to resonate as well as bandcamp, i really believe in the service. bandcamp has been making strides tho, it’s a huge step forward to be able to stream your collection from their app


yeah agreed the streaming part is amazing


the issue as ever is that it just doesn’t have enough music on it, but i’ve heard that’s cos the team is still so small that they haven’t been able to dedicate time to liaising with labels etc.

in theory it’s such a nice alternative – also this idea that you actually own the tracks after a certain number of plays. the concept of ‘owning’ a track is arguably not important but i still think there’s value in it for some people – unfortunately it’s an incredibly tiny niche of people


I agree, the semi-functional beta is a bit jarring, but I from what I gather, they wanted user input from the jump in keeping with the ‘co-op’ ethos. I agree with @eshajori, the real issue will be getting artists and labels to engage with it. It’s nice to see some like Halcyon Veil getting involved.


Thought I would jump in and give a bit of background - I’ve just joined as director of marketing at Resonate. The product up until now has been built on volunteer work. With the recent $1M investment - we’ve got a full time team on the job. We’ll be pushing some major updates to the player soon, as well as overhauling the product with a full redesign in Q4. As an artist and label owner - I have a good idea of what we’re all looking for, so trust me when I say we’re building it :smile:

All I can do now is to ask you to upload your music, use the product and give us feedback on bugs as well as things you’d like to see. If you’ve got any questions please fire away!


Yes, I was thrilled to see that you’re on board in the recent update e-mail that went out recently! They’ve made a solid choice, I imagine your experience with CR will be very valuable and useful as Resonate moves forward :sunglasses:


Cheers man! Yeh its great - my main role is rebranding and developing the product. We’re really thinking about artist control and a much broader ecosystem than just streaming - my work in CR has been really valuable in that respect because I have a very good idea of what is needed. It’s early days but the new work we’re doing has really got me excited. Beyond just features - what we’re building is ultimately for everyone. I’m a firm believer in co-op economics and I think Resonate will usher in a new way of doing things. There is literally no reason why we should be contributing to inequitable platforms designed for minority “shareholder profit”. It’s a game changer in my opinion and I can’t wait for it to become a fully useable platform.


Resonate is dope. really have a lot of hope for where its going, full support!


just started looking at this platform and uploading some of my tunes for it, already found an artist or two that i’m enjoying on first listen. was very excited to see labels like Planet Mu, CPU, RVNG Intl listed, until I saw that they’ve not actually put any music up there yet. :frowning: i’m assuming there’s a lot of legal that has to go into the back end? if the smaller-ish sized labels such as those and others can really populate the service up, I think they could turn it into something serious. and personally, skewing it towards interesting electronic music is a win, of course :slight_smile:

i’m looking into throwing some support that way as it seems like the kind of company worth getting behind.


I’ve been watching Resonate for a while and really believe in the vision behind it. I have some music up there. I feel like at this point the most I can do is to try to just keep making good music, uploading, and telling people about it.