Hey! I wanted to make a thread about this since I haven’t found any conversations online pertaining to the current sphere of DIY/bandcamp dance music labels.
I generally have the sense that in this ‘scene’ artists aren’t “signed” to labels as much as commissioned for a release (EP, album ect). What are the ethics of paying an artist fairly for your independent label, weather it be for a whole release or paying 18 artists individually for a compilation. Basically, I want to understand the best way to compensate artists that is mutually beneficial to both the label & the artists, while still generating enough on the label side to invest into further releases, compilations, merch, events ect.
I see compilations aimed at benefiting a charity where nobody is paid, such as https://powerpuertorico.bandcamp.com ; but many other comps understandably seem to be aimed simply to help expand the labels reach/audience, where I assume there has to be some sort of compensation for artists if the label is getting digital purchases. ex: https://kudatah.bandcamp.com/album/kudatah-vol-2
I imagine certain artists are more hard about their rate for an EP or compilation track than others, is it ethical to pay one artist on your compilation more than a less-established artist?
Anyone here have anything to say about this process from either end (artist or label head)?