new chunes *only to get down to*


Recently finding lots of ambient/noise/drone/slower/experimental stuff which has been great, but sometimes… I just wanna dance.

And course with globalisation/fragmentation of every club scene this is harder than ever, but share your most innovative/future shocky/DANCEABLE tunes you’ve discovered recently!

Think there’ll be overlap with other things but would be lurvley to have this as a more focused place to find tracks for the club.


yea boi



Cracked from passion by demdike stare (sorry couldnt find anything with just the track)


lool so good it’s all over the place… top choice


This one from the new PDA compilaton is such a banger


bit dissapointed with the new NA edits - very high bar was set however… hopefully it grows on me



One of the sillier cuts from this record but, tbh, the whole thing is ridiculously danceable and super melodic. I use it as pack down music at work when I feel real tired and need something to remind me that life can be fun :joy: