links to your discogs, rateyourmusic, mixcloud, soundcloud, & other accounts?


hey guys its your boy “yea”. you already know how it be…

just wondering if anybody uses these sites or knows of them. id be interested to see your musical collections if you already have that info compiled on one of these sites. for instance, peoples soundcloud likes, discogs lists, all of these are good resources for discovering new music… better anyways than looking at the new stuff on all the hundreds of music blogs… depending on the response here and whether this forum is indexed from the outside i might disclose some useful links as well or perhaps inform some of you in private about what i can only describe as the only decent collectors sharing network that maybe you already know about… cheers

edit: feb 14 thursday 2019 evening
wow wasnt expecting any replies haha anyways heres my info: the synopsis of my musical career is that i posted my first album to puredata [in sig of topic for two octaves qwerty midi keyboard with proper note-offs patch or something] and tigsource forums after putting the album up end of feb 2012 [theres a thread for the album but also a post in the large music thread linking to “quiet cave story cover”]



my blandcamp


Here are my soundclouds accounts:

Current solo project (mainly IDM):

Duo project with my brother (techno/indus/post rock/breakbeats…)

And an account where I put things that doesn’t fit in the other accounts!

I used to have a hearthis account but for some reasons I can’t connect to it anymore… I don’t know if there is many many people here that have a hearthis account, and if it’s worth creating a new one…



ive been on sc longer so my collection there is pretty nice, but my bandcamp collection/wishlist is still pretty young lol

gave ya all a follow ★彡

sc bc


same, followed and have only been on bc since october so all my wishlist is pretty RA suggestion heavy, this will help make it less so…

also for some reason the SC link i posted goes to a mix and not my links, but follow that to my profile with lots of likes

the YT playlist I posted is hot choons i find on there