I mean when I compare the music I was making a year ago to the music I make now it’s a huuge improvement. But I feel like I’m at the crossroads as to where to go. Genres ect. I want to make music that makes people move. That makes people feel.
I’m stuck as to which direction to move. I have a logo and a kind of aesthetic to the music I’m making now. I’ve been playing around with garage grooves and creating unusual sounds to accompany the drums. But I don’t know what kind of music to make!!!
I have an idea for promo which I will use next month at a festival. But I feel my music won’t be good enough for when I do the promo. I can never finish tracks because I run out of ideas and motivation and it’s starting to piss me off.
I know what I want. I’m kind of piecing together ways to get there. But it’s fucking hard man. I knew it was never going to be easy. But seriously it’s fucking hard.
The music I make isn’t like the rest. (Don’t we all say that). But really. I think this is why it is so hard for me. I don’t have a specific genre to go down, I don’t have an instant crowd I can send my music out to. Because my music is different it’s like I have to find the different people. The ones who are accepting and open. The ones who really love music and let it flow through them. But damn that’s hard. Instagram is laced with bots, half arsed efforts and stupidly aidsy accounts. Soundcloud is full of bots and is very hard to get heard and I feel that my music isn’t quality enough for Spotify and such.
I’m having a hard time deciding what to do. A really hard time. I want this so badly and I know I can achieve my desire but I don’t know what direction to go in. Can you help me??!