June 2019 Portfolio


Hi all I’ve made a few posts about art I’ve done on here in the past (sorry if this is getting tiresome lol)

I recently finished up my 2019 portfolio and thought i’d share in here in hopes I get some work as I got made redundant kinda out the blue recently, if you or someone you know is looking for someone please get in touch, regardless of budget, I’ll always try and do good work for good people! :slight_smile:

feel free to share / reply with hate mail either is fine lol - thanks in advance


nice stuff man. the corporate design work you’ve done is pretty good.


u 2 2 kind mate big up


p ballsy move to slightly manipulate the old gamecube logo for a underground promoter

idk how u can retify it with working for literal oil drilling journals tho :-x


yeah I was a bit sad about the logo, I did all those water-ish / mine themed things (thought they looked great) and then they asked me to do that to the gamecube logo lol :frowning:

another sad thing is when going for jobs places won’t even interview you without showing you have corporate experience, I’ve been doing ‘underground’ music artwork since 2012 but I have to show I can do both. I have felt a bit conflicted given my kinda ‘environmental stance’ with the Aspermont stuff, but also they are a media company specialising in mining and agricultural news - nothing more.

Thanks for taking the time to look over at my stuff :slight_smile:


i dont blame u, neoliberalism has made any discussion of “selling out” arguably meaningless to at least some extent, in that its impossible to make a living now before “selling out” :frowning: def one more reason why we should build a more democratic socialist civilization aint it

but yes this shits good all around, thank u for showing it <3


(in response 2 above) It’s different but not impossible. People are just much more settled in to comfort etc and are more comfortable justifing selling out. I don’t say that to criticise but there’s a plunge that needs to be taken. Look at Gangarchy for example. It’s a positive thing, we just need a bit more momentum to take things into our own hands.

As for the portfolio:
Beautiful, beautiful work - I especially like your kind of digital-collage approach to some of the producer work. Would you mind talking about your process a bit? I’m really curious how this stuff is done