Just joined, surprised no one’s made a topic on Muslimgauze yet.
Utterly visionary experimental electronic musician, i say that because ‘ethnic electronica’ feels a little disheartening of Wikipedia to slap on him. His albums are so scattershot but they’re juicy, every one of them.
Everything that is happening in electronic music now he already did 20 years ago, flawlessly, without any scene or guidance. He was doing it all by hand—this whole mix of ambient, field recordings, breakbeats, techno, dub, sound collage, concrete music, industrial, he’s literally done it better than anyone has since. And then there’s the mystery of it. Everything about him is so mysterious—he’s willingness to perform so many works, and just the fact that he’s dead. It’s so ahead of time, especially in this subject matter. It was rogue then; now it’s defined our world for over a decade, and it appears to keep going on in that direction. It’s so ahead of it’s time, and so unique, so him. Even though it references all this music, it’s all centered around one man.
^ quote from Dominick Fernow (Prurient)