Hi @lsych! I wish I had actual advice to offer you, but unfortunately I haven’t had the chance get my own ears treated. I’ve definitely had this before, quite frequently and now somewhat permanently. It sucks and I’m sorry to hear you’re having issues with it! It’s totally understandable to be worried about this (I freaked out when I first got it), especially if your hearing forms the basis of your career. Have you tried going to an audiologist/specialist and getting tests done? I haven’t had the chance to do it yet, but I’ve had friends that have done it and found it really helpful. It could be a good idea just so you know what you’re dealing with. As far as the ringing goes, if you’re lucky it’ll go away. If you’re not (like me), it can be permanent. It sucks at first but, for me, once I had lived with it for a while and developed strategies to deal with it, I barely notice it now (though it’s different for everyone). The hearing loss itself is also permanent for me (that absolutely doesn’t mean it will be for you!) and that’s a little more noticeable but only in certain situations. As far as music making goes, it doesn’t affect my process too much. I do wonder what my mixes sound like to others, though, so getting second opinions and other people’s thoughts on any mixing work tends to be a good idea.
Only semi-related, but, personally, another thing that helped me deal with this sort of thing is reckoning with how important hearing actually is within music. I’m not trying to say that you shouldn’t protect your hearing - you absolutely should take the best possible care of your ears, but it sounds like you’re doing that at the moment so that’s kinda beside the point. What I am trying to say is that I discovered that, for me, music is more about process and expression - how I feel while I’m making it and the ideas I’m trying to get across - than it is about the actual sound/end result of it. That made me feel a lot calmer about the whole thing, and made me listen to things differently, as well. It’s hard to describe my change in head-space properly, but I can say I’ll probably be jamming low frequencies well into my deaf old age, regardless of whether or not I can hear the rest of it
Hopefully there’s something helpful in there for you (even if it’s just the recommendation to go see an audiologist!)