@avery I have a soft spot for Neptune’s Lair; it was my formal introduction to them and I think it stands among their best work. I remember special ordering it from the local punk/experimental record store in my hometown sometime around senior year of high school or freshman year of college. I had very much been seduced by moody, complex IDM a la Autechre and Aphex and was legitimately disappointed when I first heard the album. it was quirky, but not like Vibert quirky, which I could handle. it was almost silly sounding and borderline simplistic compared to the advanced/maximalist programming I was getting into. I shelved it for maybe a year (?) until one winter we got plowed by this massive snowstorm and, at once, the record made perfect sense as I drove crosstown at night, city completely deserted, enormous snowflakes falling on my windshield, piles of perfect virgin snow crunching underneath, echoing inside the car.