Crowdsourcing: 555-2021 Playlist...


Crowdsourcing for a 555-2021 playlist. What 2021 albums/tracks should feature?


Oooh there’s a tonne but all I can think rn is “We’re Building Something New” by Loraine James. Probably my tune of the year tbh!


Axis by Helm is a really nice album that was released this year! Un Hiver en Plein Éte by Felicia Atkinson is also great


DJ Serpinha — Espirra o lança

one of my favorite records of this year. very inovative


Lee Gamble ‘Flush Real Pharynx’. One of the absolute BEST of the year, hands down!

Patricia ‘Blue Ridge’ - shiny brilliance from start to finish.

Arca ‘KICK iii’ - just bonkers.

And if The Bug’s ‘Fire’ ain’t featured people are getting kicked out of the band!


Monty - Hit The Lights (album)