Reading / Literature Club


God, I need to read this thread through properly.


Did you finish Mason & Dixon? One of 3 Pynchon books I’ve yet to get to, curious what you thought of it (without spilling any details)…


For anyone interested in some roots of dystopia 1900s era Russian stuff, I’d suggest We by Yevgeny Zamyatin

Lately I’m getting back into dystopia & sci fi, just started Ursula K LeGuin’s Lathe of Heaven…


Currently reading New York 2140 by Kim Stanley Robinson, and this seems a pretty likely extrapolation of how capitalism will react to global climate collapse.

I think a lot about re-reading the Mars trilogy, but it’s pretty dense and there are always new books to read.


Bloody love this book



Satanic Panic: Pop Cultural Paranoia in the 1980s

A collection of essays covering key incidents and issues latched onto in (predominantly the U.S.) press and media, contributing to the satanic ritual abuse panic of the 80s. It’s up and down (the essay on Genesis P-Orridge feels a little disjointed and feels like the tokenistic ‘meanwhile, across the pond’ section of the book) but overall it’s an interesting dissection of how the media landscape of the time was conducive to facilitating a moral panic. I find the details on homespun networks of church newsletters and zines particularly interesting.


^^ looks interesting!


Milkman - Anna Burns

I just finished this, which won the Booker Prize. Mainly wanted to read it because I saw some reviews complain that it was “difficult”. Some long sentences and weirdly circumlocutory narrative style but I’m not bothered by the former and quite liked the latter. Top marks.


I had been reading The Invisibles by Grant Morrison, which is three volumes in trade. Just realized that somehow the library’s three volumes contain only volumes 1-2 – some kind of mismatched assortment of editions. They also leave out the third part of volume 2. Now I wonder if I’ve missed any other books from the middle.

Continually confused by comic books.


On A Sunbeam by Tillie Walden

Graphic novel about girls at boarding school in space, set in some kind of distant future. Yet it’s somehow very down to earth.


just read this sci-fi-book by german author, journalist and communist Dietmar Dath. he also did the german translation of More Brilliant than the Sun

it’s an overwhelming read, can’t really describe it but i think it’s a worth a shot for you 555-5555-peeps . hope, the english translation is good too.


Added both of the last two to my wishlist. Thanks guys!


its Moebius…what else do i need to say…the guy they ripped everything in The Fifth Element off of…

DM me and I’ll send you the whole thing in big detailed .jpegs


oh yeah, i grew up with his john difool series … weird shit


my all-time-favourite-comic-series is dungeon, which is the best for me when it comes to fantasy-related stuff … i mean “Lord of the Rings” and “Game of Thrones” is quite nice but Lewis Trondheim & Joann Sfar show what is possible in this genre :smiley:



i know Ayn Rand is quite a controversial thinker, but reading this book as a young person really brought the ideas of individuality and ego to the front of my mind.



novel on the dark and niche cinema by a unique director who aims for a more sensory experience than anything with a clear narrative. the way he meshes sound design with often shaky or disorientating camera movements on human subjects and landscapes is unparalleled. think Noé but even more experimental.

check Sombre, A New Life, Un Lac & Malgré La Nuit. yes of course he’s french. book was written by a brisbanite.


I have never read any of her work, but have had it on my list for years. Is this a good place to start, or do you have a starter recommendation? The drawings in the screenshot you posted were beautiful as well, so might see if I can find an illustrated version of this! I know Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged should both be read as well, but I’ve just put them of for so long.



@bths80 speaking of experimental cinema, I just wrapped up Americana by Don DeLillo.

his debut novel, very much a product of its time (late Sixties/early Seventies), the narrative is halved into two distinct parts, the latter half a loose expository of a former film student/corporate exec gone AWOL who attempts to compose an informal, extemporaneous film during an ill-conceived cross-country roadtrip. grandiose in its range and intent (and, by extension, doomed for the same exact reasons), the film is a metaphor not only the psyche of a young man undone by his own youthful folly but also the collective psyche of an entire nation disunited from its own mild postwar dreamstate as it enters into the raw, panicky instability of the Vietnam era.

its almost shockingly DeLillo-esque (:thinking:) considering it was his first novel. most writers struggle for some time as they locate their unique voice (and Don’s is very unique indeed). some bits can be a little precious, a trait he more than corrected for during his primetime streak (and perhaps over-corrected for in his later novels), but his humor is there right from the start, so ahead of its time, and his impromtu poetic tangents just absolutely jaw-dropping at times.


I read one of her books as a teenager before I knew anything about the controversialness. Just thought she was a bad writer. Predictable and didactic. I was told I read the wrong one, however. Can’t remember the title, one of the two you mentioned.


You lot are way too art school for me to keep up with