oh yeah, he’s completely overrated. he’s done some undeniably nice work here and there throughout his career, but I don’t really understand why he, of all the people who continue to do interesting work in this space, has been put on the highest pedestal.
"Glitch Ambient" appreciation thread
Gonna mention Odeko again, I guess since some of his tracks fit into this category.
Seriously gorgeous track. I can’t think of another song with a more beautiful opening lol. One of my favorite things from 2016.
Odeko’s definitely one of my fav producers of all time, which says a lot since he debuted in 2016. A History with Samus is one of my top EPs from 2016. I remember listening to Setsuko on Rinse FM before I knew who it was by and I was awestruck at how melodically amazing it was. I can go on about that EP for a while lol. His album that released this year is also great too.
IMO the progress between A History with Samus and his album Rose Tinted Vision Implant is pretty immense. It’s funny how he mentioned that AHwS was him “finding his feet” when he pretty much nailed a clear vibe with the Japanese / ambient / Autonomic atmosphere permeating all his tracks, yet having a clear genre for each track. The album has more stylistic jumps, taking previous influences from dub techno and trap and also adding electro, house, faster BPMs, and a more cybernetic feel.
^^ This one’s on a trappier, but still glitchy and murky vibe (especially at the end)
^^ and this one’s just glitchy bonkers electro.
@Yung_Dave ha, yes, I saw your entry on Discogs, too. I can see this record made quite an impression
tried getting into Rose Tinted yesterday but nothing was really sticking out. maybe I’ll try again another time.
I return to Endless Summer every now again, and my opinion doesn’t seem to change: I don’t get it or like it. But, Black Sea is up there as one of my very favourite albums (both sonically and for the pensive cover photos), but people don’t seem to mention it so much.
I’ve been on Shuttle358 immersion therapy for the past few weeks. Chessa is pretty much a daily ritual.
Further glitchy/out-there ambient I’ve been liking include Taylor Deupree, Illuha, France Jobin, Robert Crouch, Yann Novak… trawling 12k and Line, basically
I’m down with the title track, its got some nice vibes, but otherwise the overall texture of Endless Summer puts me off it so much. And yeah, Shuttle358 has been my go-to artist as of recent. Still have to check out their other stuff since I’ve been addicted to Frame, hah.
Slightly more beat oriented than I’d normally count in but, this little gem off Aoki Takamasa’s RV8 album is lovely.
Also in OP I posted Jan Jelinek’s Personal Rock and I still haven’t posted his magnum opus yet, so time to put a right to that wrong:
nearly forgot about this cat Paul Wirkus who made a couple of really superb “glitch ambient” records in the early aughts using only minidisc players and tremolo pedals…
Oh yeah. Inteletto… has this wonderful track which haunts me in my dreams still. I think he is/was part of the polish experimental electronic scene but I might be wrong.
really enjoying this thread. If you haven’t heard the Tourist Kid album that came out earlier this year on Melody As Truth do yourself a favour - it’s brilliant. Bacterial, which comes along towards the end of the album, is one of the most heartbreakingly beautiful pieces of music I’ve heard this year.
Stavrogin put this one out on Last Drop Records at the start of the year and it is also very very good. Theo’s approach to sound design is really fascinating and he manages to take quite cold sounds and give them really warm textures. He also did a record a couple of years ago with the label I co-run, 3BS Records, that’s a little more brash than this (you should all buy that one obvs. lol)
And if I can shoehorn in some even more direct self-promo than that - I just put out a new album on 3BS called Strata, which I think also fits in this thread. Fairly minimal and droney, with lots of very long delays and slow LFOs being modulated in subtly glitchy ways. Full of dread but also comforting. Hope you enjoy it!
yeah that new Tourist Kid release is really phenomenal. the earlier records are great, too, if you haven’t checked…